120周年庆典+ 140周年庆典= SPC学生的成功




St. 菲利普的大学 announced today that the 120-year-old college’s 第140届毕业典礼 仪式12月. 下午7点14分.m. 在弗里曼体育馆3201 E. 休斯顿圣. 将首次亮相 学生 还有两位重要的当地领导人,他们的表现都非常出色, often intersecting journeys in one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation in 2018:

  • The corporate leader of the pillar of education in 圣安东尼奥---澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. 迈克•弗洛---will make his commencement ceremony debut with district trustees, St. 菲利普的大学 学生 和 leadership in a capacity he assumed in 2018 on behalf of the business future of one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation during the amazing era of the St. 菲利普学院2018届毕业生.
  • Led by his father's firm h和 和 conviction of self-improvement through education, 毕业典礼主旨演讲人 约翰尼·埃尔南德斯 transformed into a college-degreed chef with two of the most exclusive resorts in the country (美丽华酒店 & Casino-Las Vegas; Four Seasons Biltmore-Santa Barbara). 随着时间的推移, the industry leader has given back by leading such globalism initiatives to put 圣安东尼奥's future prosperity on the map as the partnership with St. 菲利普学院的模范旅游系, 酒店和烹饪艺术业务部门,导致 联合国美食之城指定目的地 有300年历史的圣安东尼奥——所有这些都发生在圣. 菲利普学院2018届毕业生.

Just in time for the last weeks of the city’s Tricentennial observance, several hundred 学生 will ascend to the big stage on the big night at Freeman to receive a bevy of St. Philip’s 大学 degrees 和 certificates for employment in the multibillion dollar industries of 圣安东尼奥 和 to receive thanks for being the class in session when the college earned both its reaffirmation of accreditation 和 its 2018 Governor's Award for Performance Excellence while embarking on $100 million in new construction 和 transformational capital improvements.

12月10日毕业的班级. 14 also includes many of the first 学生 to serve in the college’s hub of corporate student government, leadership 和 entertainment that is the one-year-old Turbon Student Center.

One of the many student success highlights of this ceremony in Military City U.S.A. 今年将是St. Philip’s 大学 regalia in the form of a red-white-和-blue cord adornment to honor the college’s special population of degree 和 certificate c和idates who are veterans of service in the armed forces. 

The commencement ceremony also marks the sixth anniversary debut of having the special population of female degree 和 certificate c和idates who have graduated from St. Philip’s 大学 degree 和 certificate programs of study that lead to employment 和 certification in higher-wage nontraditional occupations where women are a minority honored 和 visible with cords for completion. A few degree c和idates are inevitably among ceremony participants with the honor of wearing both the nontraditional occupations cord  新加入的老兵们在圣. 菲利普学院院长. Adena Williams Loston在美国军事城.S.A.

To join the conversation on the upcoming graduation ceremony 和 the remarkable progress of both 学生 和 their college of choice, 访问学院网页上的社交媒体链接 www.阿拉莫.edu/spc. 欲知详情,请参阅. 14 .毕业典礼上,访问大学毕业页面 http://aplrealestate.com/spc/graduation/,发送电子邮件至学院记录和注册团队 spc-gradadv@阿拉莫.edu 或联系特蕾西·谢尔顿, the college’s associate director of records 和 registration, at (210) 486-2292, tshelton@阿拉莫.edu.

CAPTION:圣. 菲利普的大学 Spring 2018 commencement ceremony is a reminder that the 120-year-old college’s 第140届毕业典礼 仪式12月. 下午7点14分.m. 在弗里曼体育馆3201 E. 休斯顿街的首次亮相 学生 还有两位重要的当地领导人,他们的表现都非常出色, often intersecting journeys in one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation in 2018. (SPC图像由Julysa Sosa提供