SPC Students Participate in NASA Summer Internship Program


三圣. 菲利普的大学 students, Chrishall阿姆斯特朗, Ta’Lya Brooks, 文森特弗洛, 和 Jaylin R. 威尔逊, were selected to participate in NASA research as paid interns for 10 weeks at the NASA MIRO Center for Advanced Measurements in Extreme Environments (CAMEE) housed at the University of Texas on the 圣安东尼奥 (UTSA) campus. 

The NASA-funded center was established in 2019 with a focus on increasing the research/education capacity at UTSA in areas related to NASA research priorities. The Center is a collaborative initiative between St. 菲利普的大学, the 大学 of Sciences, 和 the 大学 of Engineering at UTSA, with collaboration from the University of California, 洛杉矶, 科罗拉多大学, 博尔德, 和 NASA Laboratories (JPL, 戈达德宇航中心, 兰利).

The Center aims to build a sustainable source of diverse, highly trained researchers to enter the Nation’s workforce in NASA fields of earth system sciences, remote sensing technologies, computational fluid dynamics, 和 experimental fluid mechanics.

Each student intern was paired with a UTSA Faculty Research Mentor. Students will showcase their research findings at the end of the summer during the Virtual 2021 NASA Extreme Environments Research Conference. The conference will be held on Thursday, 8月 19, 2021, from 10:00 am - 4:30 pm. Flores, Williams, 和 Armstrong will be presenting the following:


  • Enabling Spatial Resolved Laser-Based Measurements in Reacting Flows


  • Lead Detection with Sentinel-1 in the Beaufort Gyre Using Google Earth Engine


  • Assessment of Water Quality in Upper 圣安东尼奥 River

To learn more about the NASA MIRO CAMEE, visit http://www.utsa.edu/NASA-CAMEE/. Attend the Virtual 2021 NASA Extreme Environments Research Conference: http://www.utsa.edu/NASA-CAMEE/conference/2021.html

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