Student Trustee

澳门新葡京博彩地区董事会批准在董事会中增加一名学生董事. 该职位将使学生获得领导经验,并确保学生参与地区治理. With leadership from the San Antonio College Student Government Association, 五个学院组成了一个统一的学生会,他们花了一年半的时间共同起草了这个提案. 

学生受托人的角色是担任董事会的顾问,并成为学生与董事会和校长之间的联络人. The student trustee’s main goal is to represent student interests.

In almost every aspect, the student will be a full-fledged trustee. 有两点不同:个人将没有投票权,也无法获得非公开的行政会议或材料.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible students are encouraged to apply to their “home” school. Each of the five colleges will then submit a nominee to the board of trustees. 

Applicants must meet a few requirements: 

  • 在澳门新葡京博彩区至少完成12个大学水平课程;
  • Be in good academic and civic standing with the Alamo Colleges;
  • 在澳门新葡京博彩注册,并在选举期间和学生受托人的整个任期内保持至少六个学分(夏季注册是可选的);
  • 在澳门新葡京博彩的任何一所学院注册,并能够在5月1日开始的学期中服役st and end on April 30th of the following year;  
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.5; and
  • Not hold an earned post-secondary degree.

The Selection Process

SAC学生管理协会将审核SAC学生的所有申请. 然后,SGA官员和顾问将进行面试,以确定一个候选人. SGA的教职员工顾问将协助提供建议和建议, but will not have final say on who is selected as a student trustee candidate. The SGA officers will decide the final candidate to send forward to the Board.

Each of the colleges will exercise a similar process, and will submit their final candidate to the Board by February 28th. 然后,理事会将从各学院提交的五名候选人中选出一名学生理事和一名候补理事.

新学生受托人将于四月选举后举行的例行会议上宣誓就职(具体日期待定)。, and will serve until the end of April 2023. 

Duties and Responsibilities

学生受托人必须接受所有培训才能在董事会任职. He/she will participate in board meetings, events and conferences, 并将研究提交给董事会委员会会议和定期董事会会议的文件. 学生受托人将提出任何列入董事会议程的项目,并与学生区议会审查即将举行的会议议程. 学生受托人将负责向学生区委员会成员传达重要信息和事件, and should be prepared to seek student input on important issues.

学生受托人将遵守与当选受托人相同的绩效和行为/问责标准. 一名学生只能担任一届学生受托人,并且只能在一个校区申请.

An alternate trustee will be named at the same time, 他/她将在所有董事会会议和其他适当的活动中跟随主要的学生受托人. Should the student trustee be unable to complete the term of service, 候补受托人将取代学生受托人,并任命一名新的候补受托人. 候补生在其作为候补生期间将不会获得奖学金.

How to Apply

Students interested in applying to be the student trustee should complete the online application 其中包括一篇简短的文章,说明他们的兴趣和成为学生受托人的资格. 申请人应出示社区服务时间和/或参加学生社团或组织的证明.

If granted an interview, applicants should be ready to discuss their academic standing, community service hours, the demographic make-up of all the Alamo Colleges District, and their personal vision for the future of the Alamo Colleges District.

To learn more, or to submit an application, contact Jacob-Aidan Martinez, Director of Student Life, via email at or call 486-1208. 申请人可将申请表交到乐田学生中心151室的学生生活办公室.

For more information on Student Trustee responsibilities go to these links:

Student Trustee Policy