Computer Support Specialist

Program Type: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Program Level: Degrees, Online, Certificates
Department: Science and Technology
Institute: Science & Technology
College: SAC

What is the Computer Support Specialist program?

This degree helps the student prepare for a career as a computer support specialist.  Computer support specialists help with log-in difficulties, operating system and software malfunctions, network technologies, and even hardware issues.

What will I learn?

All computer support positions require strong analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as well as customer support and service capabilities. Students will learn a variety of computer-based support skills.

What can I do with this course of study?

Technical support specialists may go on to supervisory positions in which they oversee the work of support staff and handle more complicated problems. With additional training or education, a support specialist may pursue a career as a quality assurance engineer who tests computer programs for problems, or designs software to perform such tests.

When you reach for the phone or keyboard to seek assistance and a little peace of mind, the person who answers on the other end is typically a computer support specialist.

Contact Us

Troy Touchette
Department Chair
Nail Technical Center (NTC) 229
(210) 486-1050

Kim Muschalek
Program Coordinator
NTC 219
(210) 486-1059

Laura A. Garcia
Administrative Services Specialist
NTC 229
(210) 486-1051