Administrative Assistant

Program Type: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Program Level: Degrees, Online
Department: Business and Entrepreneurship
Institute: Business & Entrepreneurship
College: SAC
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What is the Administrative Assistant program?

The Administrative Assistant program is part of the Administration Computer Technology (ACT) department which allows the student to pursue careers in the office environment. Individuals may enroll in the Computer Assistant certificate program or Administrative Systems Technician certificate program.

What will I learn?

In the certificate programs, you will learn word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database skills for entry-level employment in business and industry or government. The Administrative Assistant Associate of Applied Science degree builds upon the certificate programs, enhancing interpersonal relations, management skills and advanced computer hardware and software skills.

What can I do with this course of study?

You can become an office manager or an administrative assistant.

What's special about our program?

The ACT Department offers short-term marketable skills, Level I, and Level II certificates which serve as the foundation for Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees. Opportunities to earn while learning are provided through cooperative work experience courses within some certificates and the A.A.S. degree.


Designed to meet the needs of students who primarily seek office-related employment skills.

Contact Us

Dr. Val Calvert
(210) 486-0190

Dr. Murat Tas
Program Coordinator
Nail Technical Center (NTC 314)
(210) 486-0532

Sarah Sparrow
Unit Assistant
NTC 313