
项目级别: Pre-Majors /转移
部门: 艺术
研究所: 有创意的 & 沟通的艺术


The college has a 95-year tradition of award-winning student publications and cultivating talent in mass communications, 特别是在新闻和新闻摄影方面. 但这不是你祖父的新闻业! 该课程的学生都是多媒体专家, 接受过写作训练, 面试, 摄影, 摄像, 录音, 编辑, 以及有效利用社交媒体.


Journalism and 新闻摄影 are part of a mass communications landscape that has been transformed by technology, such that both its creation and consumption have been democratized in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago. 除了学习如何收集, 评估和组织信息成新闻文章, 照片, 幻灯片, and videos; students learn about the opportunities and risks in this new era of integrated journalism, and how they can better serve to ethically inform their community with stories that present meaningful information.


This program prepares students for transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree with hands on work in reporting, 记录, 并评论对社区重要的问题. 利用体验机会, 学生学会研究, 面试, 和写, 欣赏多样性, 公民参与, 以及社会责任. Students focus on learning the skills of multimedia journalists by preparing content for traditional and new media platforms and forge a pathway to journalism and 新闻摄影 careers in with experience in print, 数字媒体, 新闻摄影, 公共关系, 和广告.


圣安东尼奥学院 is a longtime leader in journalism education in South Texas. 这个项目的学生在实践中学习. 他们发表了自己的作品,建立了自己的作品集, 是什么让它们有市场, 他们带着实实在在的职业技能离开. 学生也学会了自信, 社区自豪感, 以及识别和报道具有影响力的故事的能力. 他们还学会操作多个渠道, 包括一份在线报纸, 广播新闻节目, 电视台, 以及社交媒体活动. The program prepares students to go to work in a brief time and/or to enter a four-year university to complete advanced degrees.

利用体验机会, 学生学会研究, 面试, 和写, 欣赏多样性, 公民参与, 以及社会责任.


  • 学生们学习报道、写作、编辑和摄影 用于电子和数字媒体.

    这门课是你的第一学期. 通讯1307 大众传播概论 核心(80).  The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.

    第二学期.  通讯2311 媒体写.    为囊学生媒体在线撰写并发表.    大众传媒写作基础. Includes techniques for gathering, processing and delivering content.

    通讯1316 新闻图1. 作品发表在囊学生媒体网上 Photography and information-gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, 编辑和使用相机闪光灯.

    通讯1336 视频制作  工作  发表在囊学生媒体网上. •无先决条件. 实践经验 in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, 包括前期和后期制作需求.


    通讯1318 摄影1. 没有先决条件.  相机提供. 了解构图和照明. Variety of assignments: Scenic, action, portraiture, fine art and more.

    通讯2303 音频生产. 非线性编辑入门. 实践经验 in the control room equipment, 包括前期和后期制作需求.

    通讯2331 广播/电视宣布. 发音的传递. 实践经验.


  • Students learn skills in digital 摄影 for professional applications and hobbies. 参加这些课程

    这门课是你的第一学期! 通讯1307 大众传播概论 核心(80)  The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.

    通讯1316新闻图片1    作品发表在囊学生媒体网上. Photography and information-gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, 编辑和使用相机闪光灯.

    通讯1318 摄影1   没有先决条件. 相机提供.  了解构图和照明. Variety of assignments: Scenic, action, portraiture, fine art and more.

    通讯1336 视频制作1    作品发表在囊学生媒体网上. •无先决条件. 实践经验 in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, 包括前期和后期制作需求.

    通讯2324 电子媒体实习     This course focuses on development of Photoshop skills and  ethics to be used in 摄影, 相片复原及刊物.

  • Students learn to report, write and photograph 用于电子和数字媒体.

    这门课是你的第一学期! 通讯1307 大众传播概论 核心(80)  The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.

    通讯1336 视频制作1.  工作  发表在囊学生媒体网上. •无先决条件. 实践经验 in the operation of television studio and control room equipment, 包括前期和后期制作需求.


    通讯2331 广播/电视宣布.  Principles of announcing: study of voice, diction, pronunciation, and delivery. 有各种宣布的经验. 建议学习语音学.

    通讯2332 广播/电视新闻.  作品发表在囊学生媒体网上 Preparation and analysis of news styles for the electronic media. 制作音频和视频新闻故事.

    通讯2339 为广播、电视、电影写作. 介绍商业广告的格式和写作技巧, 公益广告, 促销及新闻.


    通讯1335 电子媒体概论.  发展概况, 监管, 经济学, 电子媒体的社会影响和行业实践.

    通讯2300 媒介素养. Criticism and analysis of role and responsibility of mass media in modern society from the consumer perspective. 包括每种媒体格式面临的道德问题.

  • Students learn how to report, write, edit and photograph for all types of media.

    这门课是你的第一学期. 通讯1307 大众传播概论 核心(80).  The study of the media by which entertainment and information messages are delivered.

    第二学期上这门课! 通讯2311 媒体写. 为囊学生媒体在线撰写并发表. 大众传媒写作基础. Includes techniques for gathering, processing and delivering content.


    通讯1316 新闻图1.  You will be photographing 囊 Student 媒体 Online  Photography and information gathering for publications with emphasis on shooting, 编辑和使用相机闪光灯.

    通讯2305 编辑和布局. 您将为囊学生媒体在线撰写和编辑. Copy 编辑 and layout processes with emphasis on accuracy and fairness. 包括设计原则.

    通讯2300 媒介素养. Criticism and analysis of role and responsibility of mass media in modern society from the consumer perspective. 包括每种媒体格式面临的道德问题.

    通讯2339 为广播、电视、电影写作. 介绍商业广告的格式和写作技巧, 公益广告, 促销及新产品s.



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(210) 486-0494

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