SPC Honors Dr. Clarence Windzell Norris with Legacy Day event Aug. 18

August 15, 2022

Marketing & Strategic Communications


(NOTE: Dr. 克拉伦斯·温泽尔·诺里斯是Kappa Alpha Psi兄弟会的成员.)

Legacy Day at St. Philip’s College celebrates the college’s past, present and future with six events, including an oak tree dedication, 圣菲利普之路揭幕仪式和新建筑剪彩仪式, including the Clarence Windzell Norris Building.

职业技术大楼建于1969年,共有三层. A fourth floor was added in 1972. The building was dedicated in 1975 in honor of Dr. Clarence W. Norris, Dean Emeritus.

In 1996, 当时的诺里斯技术大楼进行了大规模的翻新,这是通过贝尔县选民通过的一项债券而成为可能的. The 2017 renovation took the building back to its walls. 这座光线充足的红砖建筑如今几乎认不出来了. 

As the college expanded, 职业和技术项目转移到了马丁·路德·金和西南校区的其他地区. The name of the building no longer reflected its current use, 所以在2020年,它被改成了克拉伦斯·温泽尔·诺里斯大楼.

Dr. Clarence Windzell Norris, the son of Rev. Eddruit和Lenora Bell Norris在休斯顿第五区长大. He graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in 1928.


In the 1930s, 他同时在主教学院和威利学院任教——这两所历史上都是位于马歇尔的黑人学院, Texas.  诺里斯后来在休斯敦黑人专科学校,即现在的德克萨斯南方大学教授社会学.

Dr. Norris took a string of low-paying jobs during the Depression, alternating between teaching and social work. 他结束了为美国公共事业振兴署(WPA)从事成人教育工作的十年.

Artemisia Bowden handpicked Dr. Norris in 1943 to be her successor. She sent him a letter, including, “I urge your prayerful consideration in this matter, for somehow, 我觉得你的决定可能会影响到这个机构的未来.”

Dr. 诺里斯接受了这个职位,并了解到他每年夏天都会去南加州大学完成他的博士学位.

At St. Philip’s, Dr. 诺里斯在鲍登小姐手下担任副院长,然后是教务长. He taught education, Spanish and sociology. He led as Dean of College from 1954 to 1969.

As Dean of the college, Dr. Norris led St. 菲利普正在和圣安东尼奥教育委员会分离, now SAISD, 并与圣安东尼奥学院一起创建了一个初级学院区, known today as the Alamo Colleges District.

He recruited black students to attend St. 来自周边县的Philip 's,但增幅不大. 种族隔离和《澳门新葡新京官方》(GI Bill)的结束导致了入学人数的激增,并导致了以非洲裔美国人为主的人口结构的变化, female student body.

1955年学校种族隔离的结束并没有影响到Dr. 诺里斯作为院长的头衔,隶属于圣安东尼奥学院院长. 他没有被授予总统的头衔——这是他和他的前任所做工作的准确反映, Artemisia Bowden, did for the college.

After stepping down, Dr. 诺里斯担任教职员工,并于1970年被米妮史蒂文斯派珀基金会任命为派珀教授. In 1974, he was named Dean Emeritus.

During his 50 years in San Antonio, Dr. Norris volunteered in a variety of positions, 包括商会和浸信会医院顾问委员会. 

He was a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 也是密歇根大学校友会的终身会员.


Dr. Norris and his wife, Lucille, a teacher, were married for 64 years and were blessed with two sons, the late Clarence W. Norris, Jr., and Trusse Rupert Norris.

Legacy Day Events:

Oak Tree Dedication in Honor of Col. Roy W. Burley, 7:30 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for Saint Artemisia Bowden Building, 8 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for Clarence W. Norris Building, 9 a.m.
Ribbon Cutting for William A. Hudgins Health and Wellness Building, 10 a.m.
Unveiling of Saint Philips Way, 11:15 a.m.

For more information about Legacy Day, visit aplrealestate.com/spc/legacy-day.

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