SPC honor student receives Women United Childcare Scholarship

July 24, 2019

Office of Public Relations


St. Philip’s College 参加学院奖学金项目的学生最近获得了一项额外的学术荣誉. Anita Helmkamp, a second-year baking and pastry arts student, is also a work-study in the Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts department. Helmkamp最近的成就包括参加一个长期的艺术展览, volunteering to prep food for the 2019 Cowboy Breakfast, and receiving a $13,000 Women United Childcare Scholarship award from United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County.

Here are some Q&As to get to know her better:

Q: What is your work-life like in real-time?

A: 我是一个全职妈妈,有三个学龄的孩子,我参加全日制课程. My husband is a traveling medical laboratory technician. 他去不同的州立医院,一次做大约三到六个月的工作. 他于2018年5月在俄亥俄州开始这项工作,然后是密苏里州,现在是宾夕法尼亚州. My husband works out of state, so when I am not in class or working as a work-study student, I am at home with my children, which is a full-time job in its own.

Q: How are your parents involved in your life as a scholar?

A: 我的父母为我感到无比骄傲,迫不及待地想要我毕业. When I told them that I plan to go back to St. Philip’s College for a second degree, they were excited. 我的父母吉米和弗朗西丝·罗德里格斯对我的家庭生活非常关心. They do all that they can to support us, 比如照顾我的孩子,这样我和我丈夫就可以有约会之夜了. Sometimes if they know I have a lot of studying to do, 他们会主动带我的孩子出去玩,这样我就可以学习了. My dad was in the military and we were stationed at Fort Hood. My husband and parents support my decision to attend St. Philip’s College for another year and half, 并将继续以任何可能的方式帮助我取得成功. I couldn’t do it without them.

Q: 作为一名学者,老师和同事是如何参与你的生活的?

A: 我从学校的“厨师”那里得到的支持是温暖的. 他们(教职员工)都支持我的决定,知道我个人正在经历的挑战. 克里斯·戈洛比主厨提名我为艾斯科菲夫人奖学金, Patrick Brown主厨和Frances Rocha主厨总是愿意为我写推荐信, Chef Frank Salinas, department chair, informed me of the Lo Bello scholarship, 科斯特洛主厨告诉我教会餐厅供应奖学金的事. 我真的很感激能进入一所真正希望学生取得最大成功的大学.

Q: 我们先来谈谈社区大学级别的奖学金. 你已经从当地组织获得了几项非常有竞争力的奖学金, 包括与LULAC第二委员会和澳门新葡京博彩地区基金会合作的Tom Sandoval LULAC Rey Feo亲子奖学金, correct?

A: Yes, I have and I am grateful. 我获得的LULAC亲子奖学金不仅对我个人来说意义重大, but even greater for my youngest child. Part of the scholarship is for children six and younger. 我的女儿现在可以在高中毕业后的两年内免费就读任何一所澳门新葡京博彩. 我获得了LULAC秋季学期和春季学期的奖学金. 

Q: 你是如何知道当地圣安东尼奥和贝尔县联合劝募会的奖学金资源的?

A: 我在LULAC的联系人[澳门新葡京博彩区雇员]伯莎·卡斯特拉诺斯让我去联合劝募会, 是谁和我一起确保我没有失去使用奖学金的机会,因为我在暑期课程开始之前无法开始使用奖学金.

Q: 你的艺术和酒店业技能在圣安东尼奥得到了展示. Can you address those?

A: I was part of the team that supported the St. 菲利普大学奖学金高尔夫锦标赛,为我们学院的学者筹集资金. 在大学的120周年纪念日,我们的装饰班为共和国高尔夫俱乐部的活动做了一个可食用的高尔夫和奖学金主题的纸杯蛋糕展示th anniversary celebration. The golf cart cake, at the same tournament, was co-designed and personally made by me and a fellow student. 今年早些时候,我的美术老师把我的作品选入了Cevallos Lofts Presents项目. That’s a St. 菲利普学院的群展名为“东X南”,我们的作品将在Cevallos loft展出至2020年, when I’ll be an alumnus pursuing my next degree at St. Philip’s College.

Information about scholarships available at St. Philip’s College is updated throughout the year at hdsdc.aplrealestate.com/spc/admissions/pay-for-college/scholarships.

(Source: United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County)