Practicing self-advocacy as an online learner

March 22, 2021

当你决定在网上获得学位时,你可能会有很多想法和感受. 你最初的情绪可能是兴奋和不确定的混合,但你可能没有考虑到的是你的自我辩护能力. Self-advocacy is when you represent yourself and your needs to others. 它适用于任何想要确保他们能够明确表达自己的关注点以获得所需资源的人.

Although the Alamo Colleges strives to anticipate each student’s needs, 当你有问题时,你可能需要打电话, send an email, or otherwise communicate with a classmate, instructor, or staff member at your college. 根据问题的不同,你可能需要激活你的自我辩护技能. When you learn how to be a good self-advocate, 在充分利用在线教育经验的同时,你获得了信心.


Surprisingly, self-advocacy begins with setting your personal schedule. This means putting yourself—and your education—first. 你需要确定你的课程需要多少时间和精力,然后在这个时间范围内设定界限. While specific chunks of time, like work schedules and established childcare routines, may not be negotiable, 你可能会对花在非关键活动上的时间感到惊讶. COVID-appropriate family outings, date nights, 周末的短途旅行可能需要减少,这样你就有时间全身心地投入到课程中去.

此外,在你的生活中可能会有人希望你保持你的“旧”时间表. They may even try to make you feel selfish for prioritizing your education. If it can be helped, don’t let them! 最后,与你将获得的终身利益相比,获得学位是一个短暂的过程. 为自己的时间设定合理、可控的界限是一个健康、负责任的选择. 这是自我宣传的第一步,对你的学业成功至关重要.


自我倡导的另一方面是学习识别和利用澳门新葡京博彩现有的可靠支持系统. Once enrolled, 你可能需要做一些决定,这些决定需要你从专家那里寻求指导. While it may be tempting to rely on friends or Google for information, 充分利用你所在大学的支持网络是很重要的. 联系相关领域的专家——你所在大学的教职员工,他们对某一特定主题最了解. For instance, it is very common to have questions about your degree plan, so reach out to your advisor for one-on-one guidance.

请记住,澳门新葡京博彩有能力在更广泛的方面帮助你. For example, if you are struggling with food security or mental health, use your college as a resource by contacting an Advocacy Center. 倡导中心的工作人员知道在哪里以及如何获得你所需要的帮助. By going directly to a source of knowledge, 你要确保你得到最准确的信息和帮助.


Finally, be willing to ask questions in each of your courses. 如果你在看过教学大纲或其他课程文件后仍有疑问, don’t hesitate to reach out and clarify with your instructor. Your questions are not a bother, 它们并不意味着你的理解力或智力有任何负面影响. Instead, they show you are taking your education seriously, you are assuming appropriate responsibility for your own success, and you are striving to perform well in the class. Yes, asking questions is self-advocacy. The more you practice, the better you become.

为你的决定感到自豪,并相信澳门新葡京博彩会在你的学术之旅中为你提供支持. Empower yourself by practicing self-advocacy as often as you can. Remember, 所有五所澳门新葡京博彩的教职员工总是愿意提供帮助和信息,使您的在线学习体验顺利有效.

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注册教练在这里帮助您开始申请流程,并指导您完成即将到来的学期的全在线课程注册. 我们还可以为你联系一位顾问,以及为你推荐在线学生提供的服务.

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About AlamoONLINE

AlamoONLINE represents the range of opportunities for students pursuing degrees, certificates, or other offerings delivered 100% online from Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s College.

At our Alamo Colleges, a 100% online degree, certificate, other offering, 或转学建议指南(TAG)的所有课程都是完全在线提供的,不需要学生到校园或外部网站 except for required proctored exams or to participate in a clinical, internship, cooperative education, or practicum site.