
标题: Associate Professor | Economics
部门: 社会科学
办公室: PH值102 - h
电话: 210-486-4803 Ext: 64803

About 克里斯蒂娜Pandaru

研究所:  Business and Entrepreneurship


M.A. | Finance | University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥

M.A. | Economics | University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥

B.A. | Economics | Trinity University


Only students I select.


I was born and raised in Romania (you probably noticed my accent if you met me in person :), and came to this great country to pursue my education 24 years ago. My passion for economics started back in the days while 成长ing up in a command and control economy lead by the Communist Party whose main goal was to gain total dominance (economic, 心理, social) over the entire country’s population.


I love, love, love teaching economics at NVC. I was born and raised in Romania (you probably noticed my accent if you met me in person :), and came to this great country to pursue my education 25 years ago. My passion for economics started back in the days while 成长ing up in a command and control economy lead by the Communist Party whose main goal was to gain total dominance (economic, 心理, social) over the entire country’s population. To make a long story short, after the fall of the communist regime in a very bloody revolution I was amazed at the economic prosperity that market oriented economies like Western Europe and US enjoyed. I got really puzzled about how some countries develop, 成长, and prosper economically and others-although endowed with a wealth of natural resources-still have the same standard of living as they did generations ago. I completed my undergraduate degree in Economics at Trinity University, and my graduate studies (M.A. 经济学和管理学.S. 金融)在UTSA. My teaching career started at UTSA (taught economics and finance) and I have been teaching only at NVC for the past 16 years. I love it here and you, students are the best part of my job! My greatest achievement is becoming a U.S. citizen on August 31, 2013; what a great honor!