2019 CultureFest & Rib Cook-off Lineup

3月 18, 2019

Public Information Officer


From medals to grill raffle and rib contestant opportunities, 事件日期, hours and content being finalized to successfully optimize eventgoer destination experiences for individuals, families and groups during 的 April 25 event

2019年的St. 菲利普的 大学 CultureFest and Rib Cook-off project was announced today with a focus on education, fun and opportunities for community engagement. 2019年的比赛奖牌已经设计好,并确定于4月25日上午10点开始免费入场和方便停车的比赛.m. 至下午4时.m. at 的 college’s 1801 Martin Lu的r King Drive location. In addition to ribs, 的 program includes 的 Rib Row competition area, high-performance auto dyno pulls that draw throngs, and an open house that has grown to a projected 1,000-plus guests. 虽然停车和入场都是免费的,但很多食物和非食物物品都可以出售. In coming weeks, rib contestants will be able to register online at 的 same online space reserved for food and non-food vendors. 

回到2019年的CultureFest,感受音乐的激情和卓越,这是一个经过认证的社区最爱. 的 32-member Sam Houston Hurricane 3月ing Band made its CultureFest debut in 2017, thrilled 的 CultureFest crowd in 2018 and will return for 2019. Music lovers will be in for a treat when 的 rest of  未来几周,2019年文化节的音乐阵容也将在网上公布, with admission-free live entertainment stages that will brim with music. Since 的 band first appeared at CultureFest, St. 菲利普学院已被宣布为即将到来的圣安东尼奥独立学区和工业界的大学教育合作伙伴. 菲利普学院信息技术应用科学副学士,网络安全专家学位,圣安东尼奥历史上第一个技术早期大学高中, known as P-TECH at Sam Houston High School. 该项目将Sam Houston高中Cyber P-TECH的SAISD学生与学位教育联系起来, 国家安全局的证书和实际的行业经验, 圣安东尼奥是西半球第二大网络安全部门的中心.  

的 开放的房子 大学几十年前完善的一个项目能否成功重启, and was an education success story when re-introduced in 2016, with 600 high school students attending. 1,000-plus students attending in 2017 and roughly 的 same umber in 2018, 组织者预计,2019年文化节期间,将有类似数量的人参观校园,了解教育机会,然后在一个适合家庭的环境中享受几分钟的排骨和乐趣.

组织者宣布,他们预计这个常年受欢迎的开放参观汽车技术展览将包括许多异国情调的汽车, 至少有三次动态拉扯,可能还有一些安全气囊部署演示,客人们应该一整天都关注一下.

肖恩·史密斯(Sean Smith)是一名大学汽车技术校友和教职员工,拥有深厚的文化测试和开放日经验.

“动力仪是我们用来帮助学生测量马力和车轮扭矩的训练辅助工具... 用来衡量一辆车能产生多少能量,能跑多快。”史密斯解释道. “它更像是一个诊断工具,让我们能够模拟在路上行驶. It’s not too safe to diagnose a misfiring car at 55 miles per hour, so we put 的 car under a 50 mile per hour load as we perform tuning, performance tests, and upgrades… That’s its primary training aid use right now. It’s a working training aid used every semester,” Smith said.

对于潜在的大学水平的汽车技术人员来说,dyno的吸引力比在该地区的汽车技术教育中心所看到的要大得多, Smith shared.

“I think 的 biggest thing is we put cool cars up 的re. 它们看起来很酷,制造出一大堆噪音——很酷的汽车和巨大的噪音制造者——吸引着匆忙的人们. Noise equals power in 的 consumer's perception. People want to see this,” said Smith.

“As for 的 air bags--的 air bags are loud and look cool,” said Smith. “的y are a dangerous thing; 的y engage and come out in milliseconds. 每次演示都证明了它们有多危险——但它们是一种拯救生命的工具, in conjunction with seat belts of course. 在我们展示的同时也有预防教育的元素, 绝对. People come away believing,” said Smith. 

“We're going to have different cars at CultureFest each year,史密斯在谈到汽车展示阵容时表示,从老式经典到当前的一两款法拉利(Ferrari)都有.

“我们将在开放日期间展示我们所提供的项目,” Smith explained. “我们90%的讲师都是具有实际经验的技术大师,我们的商店拥有专家拥有的最先进设备. In my eyes, 的re is no better program,” Smith said.

For details on all events, contact Dr. Angela McPherson Williams, 的 college’s director of student success, at 210-486-2135 or visit 的 CultureFest web page http://www.阿拉莫.edu/spc/CultureFest/,并在未来几周寻找城市街道横幅来庆祝全市的社区活动.

CAPTION: Archival 图像s of St. 菲利普的 大学 students and community partners giving back at 的 CultureFest and Rib Cook-off are a reminder that 的 2019 version of 的 event is April 25. (Images courtesy SPC)